A. A. S. Mohamed; C. R. Lashway; O. Mohammed, “Modeling and Feasibility Analysis of Quasi- dynamic WPT System for EV Applications,” inIEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-1
In this paper, a new bi-directional wireless power transfer (BWPT) charging and discharging concept is analyzed for its feasibility in integration at traffic signals. Classified as quasi-dynamic WPT (QDWPT), a string of coils are proposed to be installed beneath the road surface to provide grid-to-vehicle (G2V) and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) services to battery electric vehicles (BEVs) while stopped. An experimentally verified lithium ion battery array and BIWPT system is combined to provide a comprehensive simulation under 3 proposed scenarios. First, 4 fixed SAE J2954 standardized WPT charging levels are evaluated under a FTP-72 city driving profile. Second, a variable charging scenario autonomously adjusts the charging level based on the BEV state-of-charge (SOC). Third, an algorithm is proposed to toggle between charging and discharging based on the BEV psychological and grid retail price to evaluate V2G service viability. For each scenario, a comparison over the maximum driving range per drive cycle and range gained for each consumed kWh is quantified. Moreover, the effect of WPT coil misalignment over the driving performance is investigated and evaluated. This study concludes that, QDWPT at traffic signals is a promising solution to substantially extend the driving range and operating time for city driving especially at high charging levels.
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