Electric Drives and Power Electronics Lab
Electric Drives Lab:
This lab focuses on the Electric Drives and their control in the real time environment using dSPACE. It comprises of the various machines ranging from DC motors to Induction motor and Synchronous motor of voltage ratings upto 42 Volts which is a new standard and high power rating. It utilizes the Power Pole Inverter Board, for the control of the machine. This is located in the same lab as the Power Electronics but is a Graduate Level Course.
This lab will provide a detailed study of using dSPACE for the real time control and provide a great learning platform for Electric Drives and Machines.
Power Electronics Lab:
The Power Electronics Lab focuses on the power electronics course and it deals with the practical understanding and demonstration to the students about the various power electronic techniques; it is also an undergraduate level lab. It is located in EC 3958.
This lab has the capability for experiments such as Buck Converter, Boost Converter, Buck-Boost Converter, Forward Converter and Fly Back Converter.
There are 11 setups of the Power Pole Electronics Boards which are required for all of these experiments, each has its own add on circuit boards called the plug in board, and every setup has a Computer System, dSPACE Board, Lab View, Oscilloscope, Power Supply and Load required to perform the experiments.
This lab is supposed to provide the student with an idea of Power Electronic Circuits and their extensive applications for the power systems industry and field and as well to make the student accustomed with using the dSPACE and Lab View for data acquisition.
These setups are also used as and when needed for testing or for a particular application in any of our research setups.