by Vamshidhar Sai Donekal | Dec 11, 2023 | Esrl events, Featured Stories, Journal Papers, News, Recent Journal Papers, SMART GRID RESEARCH
The latest edition of MDPI Energies Journal showcases our recent journal article on its cover, highlighting the exceptional quality and significant contributions of our research team and students at the Energy Systems Research laboratory. This recognition serves as a...
by Website Admin | Aug 24, 2018 | Journal Papers, Recent Journal Papers, Research
The wide deployment of grid connected large scale photovoltaic (PV) systems and the rapid growth in the electric vehicle (EV) market opens the avenue for the PV based EV stations to participate in the energy as well as the EV arbitrage markets. This participation...
by Website Admin | Jul 27, 2016 | Esrl events, Featured Stories, Research
Energy Systems Research Laboratory Organised ” Student Conference On Energy, Communication and Cyber Physical Systems ” on July 14-15, 2016. Here are some of the...
by Website Admin | Jul 23, 2016 | Communication and Networking, Featured Stories, News, Research, SMART GRID RESEARCH
M. El Hariri, T. A. Youssef, Abla Hariri, Student Members, IEEE and O. A. Mohammed, Fellow, IEEE Energy Systems Research Laboratory, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA The evolution rate of the power industry is increasing year after year. Over the...
by Website Admin | Jun 8, 2016 | Featured Stories, SMART GRID RESEARCH
By Mehmet Hazar Cintuglu and Osama Mohammed The Integration of a variety of systems governed by different regulations and owned by different entities in the smart grid environment introduces an interoperability challenge. There is a lack for common data modeling in...
by Website Admin | Sep 6, 2014 | Research, SMART GRID RESEARCH
One of the ongoing research projects in the testbed is determining the optimum distribution system architectures. This research investigates the utilization of DC distribution system and the selection of the optimum architecture to adequately perform specific...