Design of an EV Charger's Abla Hariri, Ahmed Elsayed and O. A. Mohammed, “An Integrated Characterization Model and Multiobjective Optimization for the Design of an EV Charger’s Circular Wireless Power Transfer Pads” inIEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 1-4, June 2017


A good magnetic design of a wireless electric vehicle (EV) charging system requires accurate characterization of the equivalent circuit parameters. This is while considering the effect of the magnetic core and the conductive shielding layers. In the literature, such an analysis is done using 3-D finite element analysis, which makes the design and optimization process time-consuming and computationally expensive. In this paper, an integrated analytical model for the characterization of a circular wireless power transfer EV pads is utilized. This analytical model provides a valuable tool to optimize the design process. This model is utilized when evaluating the objective function for each individual in the multiobjective Pareto Optimality optimization algorithm. The objective is optimizing the pads with three decision variables and four constraints.
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