This project presents an improvement technique for the power quality of the electrical part of a wind generation system with a self-excited induction generator (SEIG) which aims to op-timize the utilization of wind power injected into weak grids. To realize this goal, an uncontrolled rectifier-digitally controlled in-verter system is proposed. The advantage of the proposed system is its simplicity due to fewer controlled switches which leads to less control complexity. It also provides full control of active and re-active power injected into the grid using a voltage source inverter (VSI) as a dynamic volt ampere reactive (VAR) compensator. A voltageoriented control(VOC) schemeispresented inorderto con-trol the energy to be injected into the grid. In an attempt to mini-mize the harmonics in the inverter current and voltage and to avoid poor power quality of the wind energy conversion system (WECS), an filter is inserted between VOC VSI and the grid. The pro-posed technique is implemented by a digital signal processor (DSPTMS320F240) to verify the validity of the proposed model and show its practical superiority in renewable energy applications. This work has been published in IEEE Transactions on Sustainable energy, to read the full journal click
Development of High-Performance Grid-Connected Wind Energy Conversion System for Optimum Utilization of Variable Speed Wind Turbines
by Website Admin | Jun 29, 2011 | Featured Stories | 0 comments